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Tax Preparation/Tax Planning

Tax Preparation/Tax Planning

Our attorneys provide considerable expertise in tax planning and advice. They can assist you in understanding tax implications of a business or real estate transaction, help you with the best way to structure or restructure your business, or explain how to go about your wealth and estate planning.  We want to help you make the most of your assets. 

The legal team at Barringer Sasser, LLP has over fifteen years of experience in the preparation and filing of tax returns for businesses and individuals. Our unique process allows us to maximize returns through careful review of your tax circumstances, using our holistic understanding of the tax system. We can help you complete your tax return filing requirements for:

  • Sole Proprietorships;
  • Limited Liability Companies (filing as either a partnership or a subchapter S corporation);
  • Partnerships;
  • S-Corporations;
  • C-Corporations;
  • Fiduciary Entities (trusts and estates) and,
  • Individual returns (including joint returns).

Let us help you file your tax returns for the 2024 tax year and provide competent, timely tax planning for your business or personal portfolio. 

Examples of our 2024 Tax Preparation and Bookkeeping Engagement Letters can be viewed by clicking the following links:

Individual Engagement

Business Entity Engagement

Fiduciary Entity Engagement

Bookkeeping Engagement